Friday, April 4, 2008

Final Project

My DVD final project would probably be about a person who has been through the NATO bombing, war zones and how this person manages to live through these terrible experiences. This idea require me to go back home and film all the footage that I need but that would probably not happen in the amount of time we got left to finish this project.  So in order to finish this project the way I want, I need some of the footage from different users  to complete my project.   However, this project would be alter and created the way I think it would be appropriate to my idea and viewable to the audience. 

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Steve Dietz & Billionaires for Bush

I feel disappointed I couldn’t stay longer for Steve Dietz lecture because I had a class to attend after our original time of our class. However, during the time I was there for the lecture of Steve Dietz, he talks about altering and how different artists use different method or technique to alter “unscripting the political process.”  For example, The Billionaires for Bush “No You Can’t” shows how the multimedia and artists can manipulate the original video of “Yes We Can” and show it to the people. “Billionaires for Bush is a do-it-yourself grassroots media campaign using humor and street theater to expose politicians who support corporate interests at the expense of everyday Americans.”This video shows how billionaires for bush wants to stay alive and continue to run the same political system; helping the rich people and not care about the world and bringing a better future for America.  According to the website it is said, “If you prefer more of the same, please stick with the Grand Ol' Party. If you want hope and change, there's that other guy running for president...” the guy from the original video of “Yes We Can.”  Alteration became so easy these days and almost every ordinary person today can do it.  Technology and multimedia also became more accusable and valuable existence these days.  From my perspective, it is really good to have this type of system available for the people to make a good choice not only for the political reason but as well as for personal reason.

YouTube vs Broadcasting channel + Hirshhorn Museum

By wikipedia definition, "YouTube is a popular free video sharing website which lets users upload, view, and share video clips. ...",  whereas the broadcasting channels are only for watching certain things where is control by certain people.  Youtube give you opportunities to watch every artist's work and even some personal videos that are interesting to watch.  I am from former Yugoslavia and during the war in Kosovo my friends and i left the country and migrated in different places in the world.  YouTube gave as the opportunity to share each other’s experience in that county we migrated.

YouTube actually allows some artist to show some of their work on the political and personal experience about the Kosovo war and how people when through certain places so they can escape the war.  However, the broadcasting channels give you a slice of what people can see about things what really happens in the world.

The trip to Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden, one of the artists that amassed me with its work was Gary Hill with his work on Suspension on Disbelief.  The story behind it is similar to mine.  My wife got a job in Iraq and went there to work.  I feel if I had this thirty monitors in my room I would be comfortable with the idea of letting her go there and more like she is with me, feel her presence.  


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Celebrating MLK at the Cathedral

The Cathedral looks like a Castle or a Fortress made of stone. It is tall and strong Cathedrals, churches and other houses of worship have protected people from physical threats throughout the ages. Believers will say that they are protected from moral and spiritual threats.

Beautiful bodies in pain, fighting the fires of hell. what did they do to deserve this?

The stained glass window is shaped like a circle. There is no beginning and no end. Just like God. But in the middle of the circle especially when there is light, there is beauty and it is complicated. Just like life.

Abraham Lincoln has come to symbolize an ideology of righteousness, unity, equality, justice. This statue of him and the quote in the background shows strength and intelligence. Seeing this statue at the Cathedral as the Martin Luther King Day mass was going on brought together the two men in my mind under the same ideology.

“I am a man.” This photo speaks for itself.

A little boy listening to a preyers and paying a close attention to the orator

Another person paying close attention to ritual orator

The gathering in the Cathedral is like other gatherings of people for thousands of years. These people gather to pray, sing and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr’s life and message. They gather in the church as part of a ritual. They sing as a way of showing their emotion. Rituals of gathering and expressing emotion give comfort. We can find each other in rituals like these people have found each other in the Cathedral. A community is formed from people sharing rituals together.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

From mostly whose funding has the development of computers as we know them come?

From reading this article I can see that the funding to develop computers has often come from the US Government and that the technology was supposed to be helping with defense.  The article says that the first computer was actually built in order to help the US with fighting World War II.  After that, even though scientists may have wanted to pursue developing electronics for communication or even creative reasons, the foundation that two scientists, Bush and Weiner, began was funded by the US Government and was meant to be pursuing national defense research.  It wasn’t until the 1970s with scientist Kay that computer research moved away from military institutions.  Since government funding has supported science and technology, scientists have been able to develop machines that go far beyond just contributing to national security.  Now, these machines contribute also to national creativity and globalization.  Since the US is now at war in at least two countries plus the War on Terror, the government is focused a lot on defense.  Who knows what kind of technological innovation will result from this focus and how scientists and society will eventually use it?